Advancing Healing-Centered and Trauma-Informed Approaches to
Foster Individual, Family, and Community Resilience

Welcome to the Prop 64 Recommendations Roadmap portal! This site hosts resources for policy-makers, advocates, and community leaders to advance a healing-centered and trauma-informed approach for state and local policy.
What is the Recommendations Roadmap?
The Child and Adolescent Health Measurement Initiative (CAHMI) staff and consultants developed the Prop 64 Recommendations Roadmap in collaboration with the California Campaign to Counter Childhood Adversity (4 CA) and
a multidisciplinary Advisory Committee of state and national advocates, California community-based organizations, providers
and academics.
The Roadmap provides a set of recommendations for California state departments to support culturally responsive, racially just, healing-centered and trauma-informed approaches in the spending of certain Prop 64 marijuana tax initiatives funds. Although
developed specifically in the context of California’s Prop 64, these recommendations have broader applications to policy and practice in other contexts nationwide.
The Recommendations Roadmap serves as a starting point for policy-makers, advocates, and community leaders as they consider and advocate for public policies related to advancing a culturally responsive, racially just, healing-centered and trauma-informed
approach in the expenditure of public funding. We encourage stakeholders to utilize and adapt these recommendations for various audiences and contexts. Moreover, we will continue updating this site with new resources as they develop.
Resource Briefs
The following resource briefs provide additional tools and resources to operationalize the recommendations from the Prop 64 Recommendations full report.
Recommendation 1 Resource Brief: Relationship- and Engagement-Centered Healing
Recommendation 2 Resource Brief: Training and Capacity Building Resources
Recommendation 4 Resource Brief: Learning-Centered Innovation, Measurement and Evaluation
Roadmap in Action
RYSE Center, Youth Forward, Trauma Transformed, and the California Alliance for Boys and Men of Color will
host a series of forums to collectively reflect on these recommendations and consider local, regional, and statewide application. Resources from these forums can be found below.
May 2019 Forum Materials:
May 2019 Forum Slides
May 2019 Graphic Report
Youth Substance Use Disorder Prevention Program Request for Applications:
In December 2019, the Center at Sierra Health Foundation in partnership with the State of California's Department of Health Care Services released
a Request for Applications for Youth Substance Use Disorder Prevention Program funded through Proposition 64 taxes. The Prop 64
Recommendations Roadmap serves as the basis for the Request for Applications. More information and webinars for applicants can be found on the Youth Substance Use Disorder Prevention Program website.
Contact Us
If you are interested in receiving updates about the Recommendations Roadmap or hosting a forum, please contact us.
This work is supported with funding from The California Endowment.