Access Perinatal and Medicaid Data

Below, you can find an array of valuable yearly and trend data regarding perinatal outcomes among Medicaid populations. The data charts and tables below are grouped by gestational age, demographic, and outcome characteristics. Alternatively, you can download a compilation of all tables and charts.


Trends in elective deliveries, 2007-2011

The charts and tables below depict trends in Medicaid singleton births by type of delivery, including early term elective inductions, early term elective cesarean sections, and early term elective deliveries.


Elective deliveries by gestational age

The data below depicts elective deliveries by type (induction or cesarean section) and by gestational age, including early elective deliveries (<39 weeks gestational age).


Demographic and health characteristics of mothers 

The charts and tables below depict elective and early elective deliveries by various characteristics of the mother or delivery. This includes the mother’s age, race, ethnicity, education, pregnancy history, tobacco use, pre-pregnancy Body Mass Index, history of mental health and substance use, and birth attendant type.


Outcomes of early elective deliveries: neonatal hospital admissions

The data below depicts the number of neonates admitted to a hospital or a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU), by delivery type and gestational age.


Medicaid singleton births as a percentage of all singleton births, by state in 2010

The data below depicts what percentage of singleton births are Medicaid singleton births, by state.  

Highlighted Data & Resources

This is a retrospective cohort study designed to analyze neonatal mortality and morbidity rates at 34, 35, and 36 weeks of gestation compared with births at term over the past 18 years at the authors' hospital and to estimate the magnitude of increased risk associated with late preterm births compared with births later in gestation.
In this study, researchers linked compulsory national registries in Norway to identify children of different gestational-age categories who were born between 1967 and 1983 and to follow them through 2003 in order to document medical disabilities and outcomes reflecting social performance.