Thank you for your interest in the measures and resources created by the CAHMI. Please complete the following form to ensure proper use and citation of our resources in your own work. The information you provide helps us better understand your needs and enables us to keep you informed with updates and new materials as they become available.
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For those requesting the Children with Special Health Care Needs (CSHCN) Screener, please read both the most recent “Taking Stock of the CSHCN Screener: A Review of Common Questions and Current Reflections” research paper and the CSHCN screener manual

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1. For those requesting to use the Positive Childhood Experiences cumulative score index measure: To make sure you understand and best use the PCEs measure, we ask that you confirm that you have read the most recent paper, including the appendix/e-tables to the paper, Positive Childhood Experiences and Adult Mental and Relational Health in a Statewide Sample.

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2. For those requesting to use the Family Resilience and Connection Index or the Child Flourishing Index: To make sure you understand and best use the PCE measure, we ask that you confirm that you have read the most recent paper, including the appendix to the paper, Family Resilience and Connection Promote Child Flourishing, Even Amid Adversity.

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3. For those requesting to use the NSCH-ACEs measure validated by the CAHMI: To make sure you understand and best use the NSCH-ACEs measure, we ask that you confirm that you have read the most recent paper, including the appendix to the paper,  Methods to Assess Adverse Childhood Experience of Children and Families

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For those requesting to use the YAHCS: To make sure you understand and best use the YAHCS, we ask that you confirm that you have read the most recent paper, Assessing Health System Provision of Adolescent Preventive Services: The Young Adult Health Care Survey

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When using these resources, I will cite them correctly with the citation below or the citation provided in the specific CAHMI resources above.

Suggested citation: Child and Adolescent Health Measurement Initiative. [Title of the resource or tool]. Retrieved mm/dd/yyyy from [website URL]

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For access to other publicly available resources by the CAHMI, visit the following web pages:

CAHMI website: CAHMI projects and library of resources related to our work to improve child and family health and well-being

The EnAct! Framework: Explore CAHMI's framework for supporting an integrated early childhood health system

Cycle of Engagement (COE) model and tools: COE tools and resources for families and health care providers

CAHMI’s Data Resource Center: National Survey of Children’s Health downloadable datasets and codebooks

Maternal and Child Health Measurement Compendium—Measurement search feature, MCH Measurement Strategic Agenda, Summaries of Measures Used Across US/State MCH Programs