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The Prioritizing Possibilities Data Query

The Prioritizing Possibilities data query provides national and across state population-based data results on measures aligned with priority goals and prominent measurement frameworks for improving child, family, and community well-being in the United States.

Stratify data by child subgroups to learn more about disparities and promote equity. 

Currently available measures use data from the National Survey of Children’s Health. New topics and data will be added over time so check back often!

Use the simple interactive data query below to get national, state, and regional data findings and discover opportunities to help children, families, and communities thrive!

Data Source: Currently available data are based on Child and Adolescent Health Measurement Initiative (CAHMI) analysis of the National Survey of Children’s Health (NSCH). All data are weighted to represent the national, state, and regional population of children. The NSCH is funded and directed by the Health Resources and Services Administration’s Maternal and Child Health Bureau.



Interactive Data Query Tool

Requested Citation: Child and Adolescent Health Measurement Initiative. Prioritizing Possibilities Data Query. With support from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (Grant: 75448).  Retrieved [mm/dd/yy] from {}

Before you begin, review the content maps for Priority Outcomes and National Frameworks (coming soon). Click the (i) next to an outcome, framework, measure, or subgroup to learn more about what is included.






Select a geographic area

Choose a priority outcome/national framework
Select your measure
Choose a starting point subgroup (Optional)